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Shift__Emilie zimmerman


She had put a surgical mask on, and that was strange to me, 

it seemed strange to Jenna too

It was Ley; I could pinpoint her voice out of a shouting crowd

Had she put the mask on so I didn’t recognize her? 

“if you don’t mind my asking, why the mask?” Jenna asked, breaking the silence

Ley seemed to have panic in her eyes, she glanced at me “uh, I am a little sick, I didn’t want him to get sick” she said

Jenna nodded “okay” she said

Ley seemed to relax

I began to wonder what Jenna’s power would be, I wasn’t supposed to tell her about the power, just train her in how to use it after she was informed of it

Her senses seemed heightened

Hearing, strength, speed, they all seemed to be better than average

Jenna cocked her head to the side, listening, “I think someone found out about our boy here” she said to me Just as footsteps faded in down the hall

Yep, her hearing was definitely heightened
